Peeling The Onion

Take the time to gently peel back the layers of the onion and raise self awareness

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Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Wednesday, December 20, 2000

In me there is a vast and lonely place,
Where none, not even you have walked in sight,
A wide, still vale of solitude and light,
Where Silence echoes into ebbing space.
And there I creep at times and hide my face,
While in myself I fathom wrong and right,
And all the timeless ages of the night,
That sacred silence of my soul I pace.
Discover the wide, still vale of solitude and light by doing some of the guided imageries at Soul Food. Peek through the door of memory and see your eight year old self.

Monday, December 18, 2000

There is no doubt that facing cancer and watching as my husband has chemotherapy has helped me to peel back the layers. In these circumstances some clarity seems to emerge. In the face of such a battle, at a time when you need to muster all the strength you can, writing is a constant, a solace. To read my personal journal as I face this period check out my on-line journal. This month I have been looking at trees and the array of armoury one needs at a time like this but you can always look at July 2000 when it all started.