Peeling The Onion

Take the time to gently peel back the layers of the onion and raise self awareness

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Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Saturday, May 29, 2004

Chris Dunmire is a creativity enthusiast and developer of the Creativity Portal, an online cache of creativity-related resources. She also knows, first hand that writing is a tool which can be used to write through the pain

1996 was the first year in her life that death touched her on an extremely personal level. In 24 years, she had already experienced the death of three grandparents, an uncle, a cousin, and several acquaintances. But 1996 was the first year that Chris experienced the death of a sibling — ironically, only a week after her aunt passed away.

The Soul Food Cafe grew from seeds that were sown during a period of sustained loss and grief. Originally known as Writing for Well-being, Soul Food became known as Soul Food to acknowledge the power of writing and the arts to feed the Soul. Deep within the Cafe Onion Peelers peel back layers of feelings.

The power of writing to draw out destructive thorns was reinforced recently when a Grade 5 teacher at Epping Primary School in Northern Melbourne described how Grade 5 children cried as they completed their rear vision memories describing profound loss. Such tears are an important part of any healing process.

If you are interested in the therapeutic power of writing and visual arts make sure to visit the links related to Writing as a Creative Medicine.


Blogger Neria said...

Hi, I'm very new; and I'm sorry for a stupid question. Where do I go to peel onions? I think I may need to begin there.

Here, wordpress or squidoo?

6:11 AM  
Blogger alex said...

and myself with a phentermine Professor R.. Master Homer's exhibition of learning on this occasion did allegra not reach us, but we know that it must have been considerable, since he stood the ordeal.. It was then that, magnesium on my wife's suggestion, I resolved to look out for a Double.. It ain't me--but my insulin darter.. A boy of five and a half years was not at calcium all pleased with his party during a walk in the Dachstein region.. I added, it would be no use were I to select diazepam another instead of that particular dream; in every dream where the content is obscure or intricate, I should hit upon dream thoughts which call for secrecy.. You don't happen to know the Gately's, of New York, do you? he was codeine quite anxious to know.. Drat it! commented buspar Uncle Billy to himself.. In A Call (August, 1906, Harper's ) she surpasses herself and is not perhaps herself surpassed by any of the humorous short stories that have come to the fore so far in America in the twentieth century. celexa. Why don't you take off your life-preserver and let that other man put it on his head? fioricet The two friends looked at each other and could not help joining in the laughter of the boys.. Positively he phentermine was in the worst humor possible.. Jacobus's pigeons flew down and picked thyroid up the shining grains, making grateful noises far down in their throats.. To be sure the ancient belief that the dream reveals lithium the future is not entirely devoid of truth.. It was but a quarter past nine o'clock when their carriage stopped at the norvasc Watkinson door.. I sold dem mules for three hundred metformin dollars...

4:19 PM  
Blogger alex said...

and myself with a prozac Professor R.. Master Homer's exhibition of learning on this occasion did phentermine not reach us, but we know that it must have been considerable, since he stood the ordeal.. It was then that, ibuprofen on my wife's suggestion, I resolved to look out for a Double.. It ain't me--but my voltaren darter.. A boy of five and a half years was not at nexium all pleased with his party during a walk in the Dachstein region.. I added, it would be no use were I to select calcium another instead of that particular dream; in every dream where the content is obscure or intricate, I should hit upon dream thoughts which call for secrecy.. You don't happen to know the Gately's, of New York, do you? he was norvasc quite anxious to know.. Drat it! commented protonix Uncle Billy to himself.. In A Call (August, 1906, Harper's ) she surpasses herself and is not perhaps herself surpassed by any of the humorous short stories that have come to the fore so far in America in the twentieth century. concerta. Why don't you take off your life-preserver and let that other man put it on his head? apap The two friends looked at each other and could not help joining in the laughter of the boys.. Positively he calcium was in the worst humor possible.. Jacobus's pigeons flew down and picked wellbutrin up the shining grains, making grateful noises far down in their throats.. To be sure the ancient belief that the dream reveals hydrocodone the future is not entirely devoid of truth.. It was but a quarter past nine o'clock when their carriage stopped at the valium Watkinson door.. I sold dem mules for three hundred viagra dollars...

12:48 AM  
Blogger alex said...

and myself with a zelnorm Professor R.. Master Homer's exhibition of learning on this occasion did insulin not reach us, but we know that it must have been considerable, since he stood the ordeal.. It was then that, adderall on my wife's suggestion, I resolved to look out for a Double.. It ain't me--but my celebrex darter.. A boy of five and a half years was not at diclofenac all pleased with his party during a walk in the Dachstein region.. I added, it would be no use were I to select lidocaine another instead of that particular dream; in every dream where the content is obscure or intricate, I should hit upon dream thoughts which call for secrecy.. You don't happen to know the Gately's, of New York, do you? he was cialis quite anxious to know.. Drat it! commented aspirin Uncle Billy to himself.. In A Call (August, 1906, Harper's ) she surpasses herself and is not perhaps herself surpassed by any of the humorous short stories that have come to the fore so far in America in the twentieth century. flexeril. Why don't you take off your life-preserver and let that other man put it on his head? levitra The two friends looked at each other and could not help joining in the laughter of the boys.. Positively he requip was in the worst humor possible.. Jacobus's pigeons flew down and picked allegra up the shining grains, making grateful noises far down in their throats.. To be sure the ancient belief that the dream reveals lortab the future is not entirely devoid of truth.. It was but a quarter past nine o'clock when their carriage stopped at the amoxicillin Watkinson door.. I sold dem mules for three hundred codeine dollars...

7:24 AM  
Blogger alex said...

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...

9:51 AM  
Blogger alex said...

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...

1:38 AM  

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